Today in history: Berlin Conference establishes colonial domination

Today in history: Berlin Conference establishes colonial domination
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Description: The Berlin Conference concludes with 13 European powers and the U.S. agreeing on the division of the African continent and the subjugation of the African people within spheres of influence, controlled by European nations. This treaty establishes the legal foundation for the “Scramble for Africa”.

Bantu Homelands Citizenship Bill Passed.


Date: 1970

Description: The Bantu Homelands Citizenship Bill is passed in South Africa, initiating the process of issuing certificates of citizenship to Africans based on their respective 'homelands'. This legislation was a key aspect of apartheid policies, designed to segregate and control the Black population.

Andrew Brimmer Becomes First African-American Governor of Federal Reserve Bank.



Description: Andrew Brimmer becomes the first African-American governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Prior to this, Brimmer had a distinguished career as an economist and government official, serving under both President Kennedy and President Johnson.

Restoration of Relations Between South Africa and Algeria.



Description: Relations between South Africa and Algeria are restored after intervention by President Nelson Mandela. Deputy Foreign Minister Aziz Pahad is sent to Algeria to improve ties, culminating in the signing of a bilateral agreement to develop areas of common interest. This event marks a diplomatic milestone in the post-apartheid era.

Fifteenth Amendment Guaranteeing Right to Vote Sent for Ratification



Description: The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, guaranteeing the right to vote regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, is sent to the states for ratification. This amendment was a significant step forward in the ongoing struggle for civil rights in the United States, particularly for African Americans.

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